ARF! Training

Wait for it…

Wait for it…

If you can teach your dog good impulse control, then the sky’s the limit for pretty much anything else you want them to learn. Having good impulse control spills over into so many other areas of a dog’s life that it would be crazy not to have that as a training goal....

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Helping Your Dog Cope With Fireworks

Helping Your Dog Cope With Fireworks

Fireworks can be a lot of fun for us but many dogs are terrified of them. Here are some tips to help your dog get through the 4th of July fireworks. Create a safe place for your dog to go when they’re feeling stressed. Dogs like areas that feel like a den. Create a...

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Wait for it…

Wait for it…

One of the best things you can do to help your dog (especially the young ones) is to teach impulse control. A good way to do this is through games because, let’s face it, games are fun, waiting not so much. Here is a simple game you can do with your dog to help them...

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Teaching the “Trade” Cue

Teaching the “Trade” Cue

We’ve all been there, especially during puppy training. Your beloved pooch has suddenly gotten hold of something you don’t want them to have and that they don’t want to give up. Sometimes, you try to get the object by chasing them down, which ends up being a fun game...

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Stress-free Paw-liday tips

Stress-free Paw-liday tips

We can get so busy and stressed during the holidays that we often don’t realize that our dogs can get stressed too. If you're looking for suggestions on how to help your dog cope with the holiday season, we've got you covered. Everyone loves a peaceful holiday,...

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Thanksgiving Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Dog

While I understand Grady’s desire for a “Holiday Feast for Dogs,” I think it is important to note there are some Thanksgiving foods that are potentially dangerous for dogs to consume.  Here’s a list of ten foods to avoid.  Turkey skin and undercooked meat Stuffing and...

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